kursus bahasa inggris online

Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pronounciation bahasa Inggrismu adalah dengan berlatih menggunakan tongue twister.

Apa itu Tongue Twister?

Tongue twister adalah frasa atau kalimat yang sengaja dirancang untuk sulit diucapkan karena mengandung bunyi yang berulang atau mirip. Tujuannya adalah untuk melatih artikulasi dan pengucapan kata-kata, sehingga kita bisa berbicara dengan lebih jelas dan lancar.

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh tongue twister:

  • Sam Short bought some shorts, The shorts are not short, He bought other shorts to get short shorts.
  • It costs a high cost for the English course at East Coast.
  • Guess what's the guest gets at the gate on his quest and request.
  • He presents a pretty presents to a pleasant patient.
  • He can't blow the flower in the flour on the floor in the row.
  • My uncle's ankle sprained in the train near the drain under the rain.
  • His rope was robbed before it dropped into the crop.
  • If a woodchuck could chuck wood, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?, It's no need to light a night-light, On a light night like tonight.
  • If a car-lock could lock car, how much car could a car-lock lock?
  • She sells seashells on the seashore under the sunshine!
  • Six sick boys seek the silk on the sheep in the ship.
  • You can't stop the stove with the soft soap.
  • Ann ends the ants at the end.
  • Search your shirts at a place in the palace.
  • Take a shower with a towel at the tower.
  • A winner wins in the win-win wind surfing.
  • No sweet without sweat, so sweep till sweat.
  • Eleven elephants swam with swans.
  • At least Alice is on the police's list before she leaves.
  • Peter buys a little butter but the butter Peter buys was bitter, so Peter buys a better butter to better bitter butter.
Nah itu tadi beberapa contoh tongue twister yang bisa kalian coba untuk latihan, yuk ajak teman kalian bermain dan berlatih mengucapkan tongue twister supaya lebih seru !

More info for our course
Whatsapp: 0858 5636 2225
Email: adm.ntcenglish@gmail.com

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